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Phase I: Basic Hypnosis Training
Phase I: Basic Hypnosis Training
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Phase I of the Finding True Magic Distance Learning Course. Induction Techniques, Deepening Techniques, Structure of Effective Suggestions, Fundamentals of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, and more. Set of 15 Mp3 audios, recorded live, plus 1 Mp4 video with demonstrations by Jack Elias, CHT. Available in Certification or Non-Certification Options. All conveniently online and downloadable. Purchase textbook, Finding True Magic, here or at Amazon

Jack and his students describe Phase 1 of the FTM course.

AUDIO Sample
Listen to Jack teaching the course:
We're Already Hypnotized!

Our Price: $400.00

Product Code: PHASE I

Non-Certification Option Only
Certification Option


More Videos!
Jack describes all 6 Phases of the FTM Course on our YouTube Channel.

Audio Sample:
Listen to Jack teaching the course -
We're Already Hypnotized!

Phase 1:
  • Instant & Rapid Inductions
  • Deep Trance techniques
  • In Depth Definition of Hypnosis & Its Historical Development
  • How to Construct Effective Suggestions

In this Phase, you will learn to:

• Perform a versatile range of hypnotic induction techniques, both direct induction and indirect Ericksonian techniques.

• Recognize and monitor 7 levels of trance depth, namely:

1. Hypnoidal
2. Light Hypnosis
3. Medium Hypnosis
4. Somnambulistic
5. Hypnotic Coma
6. Cataleptic
7. Ultra-Depth (a profoundly euphoric state).

• Employ deepening techniques to achieve the desired level of depth which is best for a particular kind of work.

• Create and employ effective hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions for yourself or others.

• Prepare a person for hypnosis with suggestibility testing and pre-induction talk.

Learn the structure of a hypnotherapy session.

Learn the history of hypnosis, including the latest advances, such as Ericksonian hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, ultra-depth techniques and transpersonal processes.

The training provides ample opportunities for practice of techniques taught, both in guiding another and being guided.

You will also learn self-hypnosis for trance work and self-transformation. Phase I of the Finding True Magic Distance Learning Course. Induction Techniques, Deepening Techniques, Structure of Effective Suggestions, Fundamentals of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, and more.

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