More Videos! Jack describes all 6 Phases of the FTM Course on our YouTube Channel.
Audio Sample: Listen to Jack teaching the course - We're Already Hypnotized! Special DiscountWhen you invest in the complete Finding True Magic Course (Non-Cert. Option), you save $680 over the per-set purchase price. Purchase Finding True Magic textbook here or at Amazon.
Here's what you'll learn: PHASE I
Basic Hypnosis Training
A Full Spectrum of Hypnotic Techniques, Trance States and Suggestions
In this Phase, you will learn to:
• Perform a versatile range of hypnotic induction techniques, both direct induction and indirect Ericksonian techniques.
• Recognize and monitor 7 levels of trance depth, namely:
1. Hypnoidal 2. Light Hypnosis 3. Medium Hypnosis 4. Somnambulistic 5. Hypnotic Coma 6. Cataleptic 7. Ultra-Depth (a profoundly euphoric state).
• Employ deepening techniques to achieve the desired level of depth which is best for a particular kind of work.
• Create and employ effective hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions for yourself or others.
• Prepare a person for hypnosis with suggestibility testing and pre-induction talk.
Learn the structure of a hypnotherapy session.
Learn the history of hypnosis, including the latest advances, such as Ericksonian hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, ultra-depth techniques and transpersonal processes.
The training provides ample opportunities for practice of techniques taught, both in guiding another and being guided.
You will also learn self-hypnosis for trance work and self-transformation.
PHASE II Transpersonal Regression Therapy
Releasing Past Origins of Negative Patterns Establishing Desired New Behaviors
In Phase II you will learn how to:
• Trace past origins of current problems through hypnotic regression to their formative experiences.
• Conduct “past life” regression therapy.
• Guide the discharge and transmutation of unresolved emotions which motivate undesired behaviors and beliefs.
• Create positive inner allies, such as ideal inner friends or ideal parents, and draw upon inner qualities or positive experiences, to manifest more effective ways of being and functioning.
• Establish desired new behaviors through techniques of neuro-linguistic programming and Ericksonian hypnosis (All phases of this course integrate views and techniques from NLP, Ericksonian hypnosis, and Eastern meditative approaches).
• Access the Higher Self, one’s highest dimension of clarity and well-being, to achieve heightened insight, self-integration and wholeness. Learn insightful Models of the Psyche that will enable you to quickly recognize and address the core of clients’ problems and symptoms.
PHASE III Subpersonality Therapy
Accessing and Transforming Deeper Aspects of the Psyche
Blending insights and techniques from Western and Eastern psychology, you will encounter competing urges or complexes within yourself, termed “subpersonalities,” and transform them to their highest archetypal expression.
• Learn how to resolve inner conflicts and integrate competing urges into desired new behaviors and greater wholeness.
• Learn a simple yet powerful process of self-inquiry that makes possible rapid, focused resolution of difficult decisions or dilemmas.
• Access the Inner Guide, a wise and loving presence within, who serves as a guide to your inner world of the unconscious and acts as a source of unlimited assistance and direction.
• Learn Creative Visualization for framing your desired future, together with the processes for Actualizing the Will, thereby strengthening your will in the face of inner resistance or outer obstacles.
• Discover the 3 most important factors in managing trance to insure accomplishment of beneficial change.
• Learn how to combine subpersonality work and hypnotic regression therapy in order to achieve the most thorough changes possible.
PHASE IV Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Applications
Practical Strategies for Common Problems
You will learn the key dynamics of shame and family systems that underlie most compulsive and addictive behaviors.
You will learn core therapeutic strategies and study case histories with a wide range of practical application, such as:
• Strategies for dealing with addictive personality patterns, such as smoking, obesity and overeating, alcohol and drug abuse.
• Emotional health issues–self esteem, depression, phobias, stress, relationships, post-traumatic stress, panic and anxiety attacks, and abuse.
• Hypnotic anesthesia for pain control, including surgery, dental work, childbirth, relief of tension headache, TMJ, arthritis, and more.
• Self-improvement: memory, concentration and exam performance, improved physical performance in athletics, and enhanced creative and intuitive ability.
Discover how one’s perception of time and identity can be used to quickly release long-standing phobias and traumas.
Learn how to adapt meditation techniques to accomplish transformative therapy.
Learn to work with the inner “building blocks” of life experience to accomplish your highest goals.
PHASE V Comprehensive Work with Inner Archetypes
Employing the Power of Myth and Archetype to Enhance Major Areas of Life Experience
Develop Comprehensive Treatment Planning for yourself or others.
Perform an assessment of each major area of life experience and identify to what extent archetypal patterns of the psyche are in, or out of, balance.
Specific areas of the body and of life experience serve as indicators of specific issues within the psyche.
Identify and work with 12 major Archetypes of the psyche to effect desired changes, such as:
• Access the Inner Child Archetype for enhanced spontaneity and creativity, or to heal past hurts that inhibit creative self-expression.
• Access the Inner Father Archetype to achieve greater wholeness with regard to external authority, society, and career.
• Access the Inner Mother Archetype to heighten the sense of internal security, self-nurturing, and confidence.
• Access archetypal intelligence to clarify basic desires so that they take healthy forms:
• the urge to know and communicate
• the acquisitive urge
• the urge to merge
• the community instinct
• the escape urge / urge to transcend • the urge for meaning
Learn to guide processes working with Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine energies, the two major underlying Archetypes that comprise and affect every area of our life and psyche.
Examine models that enhance our awareness of how these archetypes determine our inner psychic growth and health, as well as our external daily rituals.
PHASE VI Survey of Specialized Hypnotherapy Skills
Releasing Unwanted Influences Using Future Progression to Achieve Goals Hypnosis with Couples and Groups
Learn processes for encountering and transmuting the “Shadow” (one’s composite unintegrated aspects).
By means of “entity release” strategies, learn to release external interferences which have become internalized.
Learn how to detect the presence of unwanted influences, release them, heal the patterns that allowed them, and maintain a condition free from unwanted external influences.
Experience future progression with regard to a prospective decision’s outcome or general life direction, and then accept, reject, or modify that future to create the future desired–in alignment with your own highest purpose and inner guidance.
Study guidelines and perspectives on how to create and sustain a successful hypnotherapy practice, and integrate it into your life in a holistic manner.
Learn to conduct group hypnosis to enable members of a group to experience many of the same processes possible in one-on-one therapy.
Learn to guide dual regression therapy with couples in order to release relationship blocks and integrate new perceptions and behaviors.
Review, final exam demonstration sessions and evaluations.
