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Distance Learning Courses in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/NLP

Finding True Magic Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/NLP is a radical synthesis of Eastern and Western views and techniques applied to the art of transformative communication. It weaves together Depth hypnosis, Regression therapy, Past-life therapy, Inner Child work, Subpersonality integration, Archetypal transformational processes, Neuro-linguistic processing, Ericksonian hypnosis, Quantum hypnosis, Entity releasing, Shadow work, Comprehensive treatment planning and more . . .

Buy the 6 Phases of the Course individually, or purchase the Complete Course at a Discount.

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These trainings were originally designed to provide certification in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/NLP. The Institute for Therapeutic Learning now offers a Non-certification Option as well as a Certification Option. Each Phase of the course is offered at two different rates, based on whether you are taking the Certification Option or the Non-certification Option.

Non-Certification Option includes the Distance Learning audio/video study materials only. No consultations with Jack Elias, CHT are included.

Certification Option
includes personal homework evaluation, test assessments and a 1-hour tutorial with Jack Elias on each phase of the course (total of 6 tutorial hours). Students who purchase the Non-Certification Option and then decide to switch to the Certification Option, pay $250 per Phase of the Finding True Magic Course ($2210 total for 6 Phases) to cover homework evaluation and tutorials.

The package tuition for certification is $3265 plus approximately $145 for the required books available at

Product listings on this page show the non-certification pricing for the complete course and for each phase individually. You can pick the certification option price for the course, or for each phase of the course, once you select your product choice and are taken to the purchase page.

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These trainings were originally designed by Jack Elias, CHT, author of Finding True Magic, to provide certification in the practice of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/NLP. The Institute for Therapeutic Learning now offers a Non-certification Option as well as a Certification Option.