Lucid Heart Therapy & Life Coaching with Jack Elias, CHT
Lucid Heart Therapy and Life Coaching is dynamic, creative hypnotherapy. Many people associate hypnotherapy with weight loss hypnosis or smoking hypnosis techniques. Whether you are seeking help to improve your relationship, lose weight, or stop smoking, hypnosis and hypnotherapy/NLP works! Since 1988, clients have been overcoming phobias, addictions, chronic pain, and destructive patterns with Jack's help.
Our goal is to help you develop your natural capacity to evoke and to be present with your own creative power. By listening to that power, exploring it, and being willing to be surprised by it, you will experience the absolute conviction that you carry within you everything you need to be healed and happy, once you are reconnected to your own creative genius and pure motivation.
Jack Elias sees clients at his private office in Seattle, Washington. He also works with clients throughout the world by phone or in Skype sessions. Jack’s international clients experience the same powerful results reported by those who work with him in person.
Contact us by Email or call 206-890-9775 for more information about scheduling private sessions with Jack Elias, CHT.