More Videos! Jack describes all 6 Phases of the FTM Course on our YouTube Channel.
Audio Sample: Listen to Jack teaching the course - Breaking Through the Fearful Self Phase 5:
- Comprehensive Treatment Planning
- Archetype Therapy to Heal & Enhance Every Area of Life Experience
- Recognize Mythic Personality Styles To Shape Effective Therapy
- Harmonize Conflicting Agendas
Develop Comprehensive Treatment Planning for yourself or others.
Perform an assessment of each major area of life experience and identify to what extent archetypal patterns of the psyche are in, or out of, balance.
Specific areas of the body and of life experience serve as indicators of specific issues within the psyche.
Identify and work with 12 major Archetypes of the psyche to effect desired changes, such as:
• Access the Inner Child Archetype for enhanced spontaneity and creativity, or to heal past hurts that inhibit creative self-expression.
• Access the Inner Father Archetype to achieve greater wholeness with regard to external authority, society, and career.
• Access the Inner Mother Archetype to heighten the sense of internal security, self-nurturing, and confidence.
• Access archetypal intelligence to clarify basic desires so that they take healthy forms:
• the urge to know and communicate
• the acquisitive urge
• the urge to merge
• the community instinct
• the escape urge / urge to transcend • the urge for meaning
Learn to guide processes working with Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine energies, the two major underlying Archetypes that comprise and affect every area of our life and psyche.
Examine models that enhance our awareness of how these archetypes determine our inner psychic growth and health, as well as our external daily rituals.
