More Videos! Jack describes all 6 Phases of the FTM Course on our YouTube Channel.
Audio Sample: Listen to Jack teaching the course - Higher Self, Emotional Clearing, Past Life, NLP Phase 2:
- Contact Your Superconscious Self
- Release Past Origins of Negative Patterns
- Clear Emotional Blocks
- Anchor Desired New Behaviors
In Phase II you will learn how to:
• Trace past origins of current problems through hypnotic regression to their formative experiences.
• Conduct “past life” regression therapy.
• Guide the discharge and transmutation of unresolved emotions which motivate undesired behaviors and beliefs.
• Create positive inner allies, such as ideal inner friends or ideal
parents, and draw upon inner qualities or positive experiences, to
manifest more effective ways of being and functioning.
• Establish desired new behaviors through techniques of
neuro-linguistic programming and Ericksonian hypnosis (All phases of
this course integrate views and techniques from NLP, Ericksonian
hypnosis, and Eastern meditative approaches).
• Access the Higher Self, one’s highest dimension of clarity and well-being, to achieve heightened insight, self-integration and wholeness. Learn insightful Models of the Psyche that will enable you to quickly recognize and address the core of clients’ problems and symptoms.
