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Conflict Transformation: If You Don't Like Conflict, Why Have It? (DVD)
Conflict Transformation: If You Don't Like Conflict, Why Have It? (DVD)
Free yourself from the illusions of shame, blame, and taking things personally. Connect with your natural joy and creativity. You have the right to enjoy your mistakes as much as your successes. Mp4 Download.
Our Price: $79.00

Product Code: CT_NW_MP4S


As children we are all exposed, in varying degrees, to shame, sarcasm, neglect, and abuse that trains us to think we are bad. This maltreatment leads to our feeling desperate and depressed. It also leads us to believe in aggressive fault-finding. As children we have no ability to defend ourselves from these terrible, deluded attacks. They literally are negative hypnotic suggestions that train us to hate ourselves and live in fear. In this class you will learn Mind Cleaning techniques and insights that will enable you to stop taking anything personally, to stop blaming and complaining, and to stop believing you are unworthy. Once you know how to use these techniques, you can start living free of fear and being the joyful creative force you are meant to be!

Jack has a talent for presenting insights in a sharp and humorous way that can help you snap out of your habitual limitations.
Four 90 minute talks as Mp4 Download.

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