This program connects you to your Personal Power to successfully achieve health and high performance in any area of your life: sports, work, and family life. With 'Strengthen Your Will', you stop procrastinating, end fear, distraction, and low self esteem.
- Cut through uncertainty, self-sabotaging attitudes, and procrastination to recognize and accomplish goals that truly enhance your life.
- End harmful habits like smoking, drinking and over eating. End compulsions like nail-biting, bingeing, and worry.
- End addictions to drugs, alcohol, sex and more.
- Remove doubts and confusion.
- Accomplish health, wealth, and happiness with the help of this excellent audio.
Some information on habits and addictions:
What is the difference between an addiction and a bad habit?
Addictions are the most extreme form of self-rejection and self-hatred.
If you're involved in an addiction, you end up focusing almost all your available energy on a single endeavor (such as the consumption of alcohol or food or cigarettes).
The only thing that motivates anyone to such extreme effort is a powerful unmet need.
Addictions are driven by just such powerful unmet needs. The tragedy of addiction, however, is that the way you choose to meet your need never accomplishes the goal.
Instead, an underlying self-rejection and self-hatred keeps you from recognizing your true need, and you become locked onto a false (or decoy) need.
With an addiction, you lose your free will to such an extent that you're in danger of losing what's most important to you.
With a bad habit, you may be creating great inconveniences in your life, but you still maintain a certain capacity for self-control, recognition, and openness about your problem.
You can get free by changing the programming in your subconscious mind with this Mp3 download!
