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Stop Gambling Now
Hypnosis Mp3 download
With this Mp3 audio you can eliminate the gut-wrenching urges to go to the casino or other gambling haunts. You'll stop kidding yourself that the friendly gaming people have your best interests at heart. You'll connect with your inner courage and self-appreciation. Mp3 download.
Our Price: $9.99

Product Code: GAMB2

Take Back Your Life!
Gambling addiction ruins lives, destroys families, and endangers your psychological and physical health. With this Mp3 audio you can eliminate the gut-wrenching urges to go to the casino or other gambling haunts.

  • You'll stop kidding yourself that the friendly gaming people have your best interests at heart.
  • You'll connect with your inner courage and self-appreciation.
  • This renewed self-respect gives you mastery over your emotional life.
  • Instead of running to the casino to escape your emotions, you'll learn to become friends with yourself when you're experiencing any emotional state, positive or negative.
  • With this renewed sense of dignity and self-worth, you'll enjoy changing destructive behavior patterns into healthy, creative ways of relating to family, friends and colleagues.

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